Hair Chopsticks, Chopsticks for Hair Sticks
Chopsticks have been used as hair sticks for perhaps thousands of years. Here's a few pointers for selecting and finding just the right chopstick hair accessories for you.
Hair chopsticks come in a variety of lengths. You'll find a length that works best for your volume of hair and style. The longest chopsticks are Chinese chopsticks which average about 10.5 inches. More common in the United States are
Japanese style chopsticks which are between 8 to 9 inches long, with 9 inches being far more common. Finally, children's chopsticks are between 5.5 and 6.5 inches long.
You can find chopsticks in a variety of finishes and textures. If you have very fine hair you may want to find hair chopsticks that have a texture throughout the full length of the chopstick. Most chopsticks have a smooth painted finish. You can find a selection of
fully textured chopsticks at If you can use smooth finished chopsticks your selection of hair sticks increases dramatically.
There are literally thousands of styles of chopsticks which means you can find a style of chopstick hair accessories to match any occasion. Most Chinese chopsticks have a natural wood finish, and if decorated usually have a shiny metal end to their handle. Japanese style chopsticks come in an unlimited variety of colors and ornate designs ranging from traditional Asian to modern. Some of the most beautiful chopstick hair accessories are the traditional handmade chopstick varieties such as
Washi (chopsticks wrapped with decorative hand made papers), Nishijin (chopsticks wrapped with ornate kimono brocade fabrics) and Wakasa (chopsticks made of traditional multicolors of lacquer). Children's chopsticks present you with some very fun choices.
You can find one of the largest and best selection of chopsticks that can be used as hair chopsticks at
Everything Chopsticks.
They are one of the only companies in the US where you can find the finer styles of hair chopsticks as well as hundreds of inexpensive models of chopsticks.

- How to put your hair up with chopsticks
How to Put Your Hair up With Chopsticks has this great article on how to put your hair up with chopsticks, divided into 5 steps.